Weekly Services
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Good News for a Broken World

Christmas has become increasingly secular as we live in a post-Christian culture. What had become a largely commercial enterprise intermingled with Christianity is now a largely secular, commercial venture. This is tragic. 

We live in a broken, lost world that desperately needs Hope, and Jesus Christ is that Hope! Christmas is that time of year when followers of Jesus have opportunity in the cultural margins to slow down, reflect and be amazed at the most remarkable gift ever given: Jesus Christ. 

We are in our Christmas sermon series, 'Good News for a Broken World,' and the more I pray and study, the more I am simply in awe that God would pursue us. Over and over we see this pattern in Scripture: humanity rebelling against God, defying God, and yet, God, the Holy God Above All Creation, lovingly and compassionately pursuing His sinful creation. 

He has pursued us from the moment our first parents rebelled and throughout the Old Testament He promised His people that He would send one who would crush the works of Satan, One who would bless the nations, One who would die for the sins of humanity, One who would come and tabernacle/dwell among us, One who would save us from our sins and reconcile us to the Father.

This is who that child in the manger is and why Jesus came. He came to die so we might live. 

This world needs Hope. This world needs to know about the King of Kings and Lord of Lords who was born of a virgin woman, who lived a sinless life, fully God and fully human, who willingly laid down His life as a substitionary sacrifice for us, paying the penalty for our sins so that we could be made right with God, about the one who died and was buried and three days later rose from the grave and now sits at the Right Hand of the Father as King of Kings and Lord of Lords and is still saving people and calling people out of darkness and into the Light, into fellowship with God, into the Family of God, who is still healing that which is broken. 

This world needs Jesus. 

I pray that you will join us as we proclaim and worship the Lord Jesus Christ this Christmas season. I pray that you will come to know the One who pursued you all the way to the cross. 

Oh Come, let us adore Him!

Grace to You!

Pastor Kevin