Weekly Services
Saturday @5 pm 
Sunday @11 am 

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Praises and Prayers

I am so thankful for the work the Lord has been doing at Stonebridge for the past few years. I am so thankful to be your pastor, and I am so thankful for the Lord's grace on His church! It is fitting to praise and thank the Lord, and we have much to praise and thank Him for. Would you join me in praising and thanking Him for the uncommon love and unity in the church? I've not seen anything like it in my many years in ministry. Only the Lord can produce such love and unity. I praise God for the commitment to the authority of Scripture this church body has. I am thankful that the Word of God is taught and preached and studied so faithfully. I am thankful for heart for prayer and missions this church has. I am so thankful for the multi-generational, multi-ethnic congregation we have, for the many people groups who are in this church, which is absolutely a testimony to the power of the gospel to tear down barriers between people. I am so thankful for the multi-ethnic and multi generational community He has placed us in. I am thankful for the many people groups that surround the church.

I am thankful for the salvations and baptisms and life transformation. I am thankful for the way our children and youth and young adults and adults are all being rooted in Biblical Truth. 

I am thankful for our new constitution which is so deeply rooted in Scripture. I am thankful for our new elders: Chuck Isler, Albert Diaz, Luke Gradeless and Steve Tabor, for their theological accumen, their love for the Lord and His people and His Word. I am thankful for our deacons and how they demonstrate the love of Christ in the many ways they serve. I am thankful for our worship ministry as it continues to utilize the many gifts the Lord has given this church. I am thankful for our teachers and Bible Study leaders and for our ministry leaders and ministries and their Christlike character and the selfless work they all do week in and week out.

I'm amazed by how well everyone works together on Sundays, when just about every Sunday, seating is sparce. I am thankful for the church strengtheners the Lord has and is sending us, and, for the people who are coming regularly who are simply hungry for Truth. I am thankful for the many He has brought to us who are still wrestling with the gospel, and for the way the church body loves and walks with them. 

The Lord has been and is preparing us to be used for His glory. It's all about Him, not us. It is fitting to praise and thank the Lord for what He has done and is doing! There are certainly many more things that could be mentioned, but let us praise and thank Him for what He is doing, because He is at work in this church!

As we look forward to the future, we have much to pray about. We believe the Lord is leading us to move toward a second Sunday service, to refocus our Saturday service so we are maximizing the space He has given us before we move forward and expand the sanctuary and add an education wing. 

When we look down the road, we don't sense the Lord leading us to try to be a mega church. We have the sense that we are to have around a 500 person cap as we continue to grow, and at that 500 mark, we would shift our focus to planting churches and satellite campuses. The goal is never to 'get big,' for our reputation or glory or honor. Rather the goal is to make disciples for the glory of our King and to multiply congregations for His glory. 

Please pray for these things. 

And, lastly, please stay in prayer as we walk through times of transitions and learning. The Lord has been so good and faithful to us. He will get us where He wants us to be as we continue to surrender to Him!

For the King and His Kingdom, and for His glory alone!

Grace to You,
