Weekly Services
Saturday @5 pm 
Sunday @11 am 

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Welcome to Stonebridge Baptist Church!

Who We Are

Stonebridge Baptist Church seeks to be a church in the community, for the communities and the world.

We, the people of Stonebridge Baptist Church, commit to walk as upright, faithful, and trustworthy Christians; proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our community and all nations; training and baptizing them in obedience to God's Holy Word.

We further commit ourselves to love, trust, and support one another, and to promote the highest degree of integrity and truth among all who serve here.  We desire to be a community of faith, hope and love.

Pastor's Blog

Embrace These Truths, Part Two

This post is part two of a Blog series entitled "Embrace These Truths." The series seeks to address some of the cultural lies that often infiltrate churches and...

Embrace These Truths, Part One

It is imperative that we, as Christians, know the Word of God so we might walk in Truth and not be deceived by lies....