February 2, 2025
Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News, Part 61: Our Obligation to Love
Pastor: Dr. Kevin Prather Series: Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News Topic: God's Love, Commandment, Love, Love One Another Passage: Romans 13:8–10
January 26, 2025
Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News, Part 60: The Christian and Government
Pastor: Luke Gradeless Series: Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News Topic: Submission, Politics, Government Passage: Romans 13:1–7
January 19, 2025
Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News, Part 59: Love Your Enemies - Leave Vengeance to God
Pastor: Steve Tabor Series: Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News Topic: Salvation, Victory, Gospel, Grace Passage: Romans 12:17–21
January 12, 2025
Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News, Part 58: Living as Christ's Body
Pastor: Albert Diaz Series: Romans: Why the Gospel is Good News Topic: Purpose, Humility, Spiritual Growth Passage: Romans 12:3–16
January 5, 2025
Knowing, Growing, and Sowing in 2025
Pastor: Chuck Isler Series: Stand Alone Topic: Seeking Jesus, Spiritual Growth, Obedience, Knowing Jesus Passage: 2 Peter 1:1–15
December 29, 2024
Ask. Align. Advance.
Pastor: Dr. Kevin Prather Series: Stand Alone Topic: Seeking Jesus, Obedience, Sin, Prayer, Advancing the Kingdom Passage: Matthew 7:7–11
December 24, 2024
Let Earth Receive Her King!, Part 4: What Child is This?
Pastor: Dr. Kevin Prather Series: Let Earth Receive Her King! Topic: God's Promises, Christmas Eve Passage: Luke 2:8–14
December 22, 2024
Let Earth Receive Her King!, Part 3: The Light. The Son. The Servant.
Pastor: Dr. Kevin Prather Series: Let Earth Receive Her King! Topic: Worship, God's Promises, Christmas, Prophecy Passage: Isaiah 9:1–2, Isaiah 9:6, Isaiah 53:1–12
December 15, 2024
Let Earth Receive Her King!, Part 2: Jesus: Blessing to the Nations, the Spotless Lamb of God
Pastor: Dr. Kevin Prather Series: Let Earth Receive Her King! Topic: Christmas, Responding to Christ, Prophecy, Promises, God's Gift Passage: Genesis 22:1–19
December 8, 2024
Let Earth Receive Her King!, Part 1: The Eternal King
Pastor: Dr. Kevin Prather Series: Let Earth Receive Her King! Topic: Prophecy, Trinity, God's Glory, Christmas Passage: Isaiah 53:2, Genesis 1:1, John 1:1–5
Old Testament
- Genesis30
- Exodus1
- Leviticus
- Numbers
- Deuteronomy
- Joshua1
- Judges
- Ruth
- 1 Samuel9
- 2 Samuel4
- 1 Kings
- 2 Kings1
- 1 Chronicles1
- 2 Chronicles1
- Ezra
- Nehemiah3
- Esther9
- Job
- Psalms7
- Proverbs9
- Ecclesiastes
- Song of Solomon
- Isaiah12
- Jeremiah2
- Lamentations
- Ezekiel
- Daniel26
- Hosea1
- Joel
- Amos
- Obadiah
- Jonah
- Micah
- Nahum
- Habakkuk1
- Zephaniah
- Haggai1
- Zechariah
- Malachi
New Testament
- Matthew55
- Mark28
- Luke34
- John42
- Acts7
- Romans67
- 1 Corinthians10
- 2 Corinthians7
- Galatians6
- Ephesians12
- Philippians14
- Colossians
- 1 Thessalonians6
- 2 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy7
- 2 Timothy9
- Titus
- Philemon
- Hebrews6
- James3
- 1 Peter5
- 2 Peter1
- 1 John2
- 2 John1
- 3 John
- Jude4
- Revelation1
Primary Pastors

Dr. Kevin Prather Dr. Kevin Prather
Guest Pastors
John Caudill
Albert Diaz
Mark Elmore
Randy Foss
Luke Gradeless
Steve Graham
Dr. George Harris
Dr. Darrell Horn
Chuck Isler
Frank Jackson
Vadym Kulychenko
Roger Perez
Christian Prather
David Rairdan
Don Smith
Steve Tabor
Harrell Teague
Erik Tisher
Raymond Woodruff
- Abundant Life1
- Advancing the Kingdom6
- Anger1
- Anti-Christ1
- Armor of God3
- Ashamed2
- Atonement3
- Baptism (Spiritual)1
- Being A Member3
- Being Tested2
- Being Worthy3
- Belief3
- Birth of Jesus Foretold3
- Blessings5
- Body of Christ4
- Boldness3
- Born Again6
- Broken3
- Burden1
- Called1
- Calling2
- Caring Father3
- Cheerful Giver1
- Chosen1
- Christ Reigns6
- Christmas16
- Christmas Eve6
- Church Body11
- Come As You Are7
- Commandment2
- Community2
- Compassion1
- Conflict3
- Courage11
- Covenant1
- Deacon Ordination6
- Deacons3
- Death3
- Deceit7
- Discipleship8
- Disobedience2
- Easter27
- Elders2
- End Times1
- Evangelism1
- Exile1
- Faith43
- Falling Short of God's Righteousness4
- False Ideologies4
- False Teachers5
- Family9
- Father's Day6
- Fear3
- Fierce Wolves1
- Flesh2
- Foreknew1
- Forgiveness4
- Freedom7
- Fruits of the Spirit4
- Future3
- Generosity2
- Give Thanks4
- Giving5
- Glorified4
- God Reigns4
- God's Faithfulness7
- God's Gift11
- God's Glory9
- God's Goodness2
- God's Holiness7
- God's Law3
- God's Love9
- God's Promises8
- God's Redeeming Grace11
- God's Righteousness9
- God's Will6
- God's Wrath6
- Good Friday6
- Good News10
- Good Shepherd2
- Gospel10
- Government1
- Grace35
- Gratitude1
- Great Commission2
- Greatest Commandment5
- Guilty3
- Hated1
- Heresy1
- Heritage2
- Hiding the Light2
- Holy Spirit6
- Homosexuality1
- Hope18
- Humility10
- Hurt1
- Incarnation1
- Invitation1
- Israel3
- Jesus' Claims6
- Journey3
- Joy5
- Judgment5
- Justification4
- Justified4
- King of Kings4
- Knowing God4
- Knowing Jesus5
- Knowing Your Purpose3
- Law2
- Life's Meaning1
- Light of the World1
- Living For God14
- Living Life3
- Living Water1
- Lord's Prayer1
- Lord's Supper1
- Love16
- Love One Another11
- Mary the servant3
- Maundy Thursday1
- Mediator1
- Mercy10
- Messiah4
- Miracles1
- Missions2
- Mother's Day8
- New Creation4
- Obedience29
- Omniscient1
- Overseers1
- Pain2
- Palm Sunday7
- Passover1
- Peace3
- Persecution4
- Persevere3
- Politics1
- Prayer15
- Predestined1
- Prince of Peace1
- Priorities4
- Promises3
- Prophecy9
- Prophet2
- Protection2
- Purpose4
- Rebellion1
- Recommitment as a Church1
- Reconciliation1
- Reformation2
- Rejoice2
- Relationships1
- Religion2
- Repent11
- Responding to Christ31
- Resurrection5
- Reverence2
- Revival1
- Revive Us6
- Righteousness1
- Sabbatical1
- Sacrifice7
- Salt of the Earth2
- Salvation26
- Same Sex1
- Saved3
- Savior1
- Secularism1
- Seeking Jesus6
- Self-righteousness1
- Sermon on the Mount1
- Servant6
- Servant King1
- Serving13
- Sexual Immorality1
- Shame4
- Sharing The Gospel8
- Sheep2
- Shine1
- Sin23
- Solid Foundation1
- Sovereign10
- Spiritual Growth7
- Spiritual Warfare4
- Submission1
- Suffering7
- Testimonies1
- Testing of our Faith5
- Thankful3
- Thanksgiving6
- The Heart7
- The Lord's Supper2
- Theology1
- Tithe1
- Tithing1
- Trials5
- Trinity1
- Triumphal Entry of the King2
- Trouble7
- Trust18
- Truth3
- Unity7
- Victory4
- Vision4
- Waiting on the Lord1
- Why Jesus Came16
- Wilderness1
- Wine1
- Wisdom13
- Wonderful Counselor1
- Works7
- Worship4
- Zeal1