The Doors God Has Opened

Our Lord is simply amazing. He opens doors and closes them. Whatever He opens, no man can shut. Whatever He closes, no man can open (Rev 3:7,8).
For over a year, our church has been in a process of praying and seeking the Lord while we organize for ministry and prepare for the future. We have been specifically asking Him to show us where to start serving our community and the world. We seek to be 'A church in the community, for the communities and the world.' The last thing we wanted to do was to put something together in our own wisdom and 'ask God to bless it.' We wanted a clear sense of His leading and direction.
He opened doors only He can open in response to this prayer and patience! There is no way we could have opened these doors, and in all likellihood, we would not have souught them out in our 'wisdom.' God has opened doors and you have said, 'Amen!' We are preparing now over the next five months, to walk through these doors. There is much to do, but it is and will be worth it!
We will be moving toward two services and Bible studies, to prepare to launch by 'Back to School,' in the Fall of 2017. We are already maxed out space wise, about 50% of the time. It is time to move forward. Your eagerness, fantastic attitudes and prayerful spirits, as well as your faith is to be commended! All will be required as we take this next step.
The Lord has opened doors for us in miraculous ways to be in our area public schools,and even have our own missionary whose sole responsibility will be ministering to junior high and high school students in their public schools!
He also opened doors for us to have mentoring opportunities in our public schools. Some of you are already responding.
He is giving us a Christian organization to partner with in these public schools, and He opened another door for those who are called, to mentor families of students (you guessed it-in public schools)! All of this is His doing-thesse things came to us. We are grateful!
Then we look at 'the world.' You said 'yes,' and 'Amen,' to sponsoring a team of pastors taking the gospel to an unreached people group in Brazil. Stonebridge Baptist Church will now be personally connected to people who have not yet heard the gospel, and we will be supporting them through giving and prayer.
God is simply amazing!
Now we begin that 'transition' time-putting feet to all of those 'Amens' and walking through the doors He has opened. What an exciting time! There will be challenges and times our faith is stretched incredibly, but God has been and will be faithful.
He opened the doors. Remember that when times get tough!
I am honored to journey with you and am blessed and encouraged by your faith!
For the King and HIS Kingdom,
Pastor Kevin
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