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Processing the Events in Israel and Praying for Israel

The events in Israel are heartbreaking. Even as I write this Blog entry, it is difficult to keep up with all that is unfolding as more and more news and information is released from Israel. What we are seeing is horrific. It is evil. More Jewish people were killed in this attack, simply for being Jewish, than any other time since the Holocaust. We heard the stories of women and the elderly and children being deliberately slaughtered, and many stories of women and children and the elderly being kidnapped and being held as hostages. As of this writing, Hamas has threatened to publicly execute a hostage (and post these executions online) for every building the IDF attacks. Israel is in a state of war, and there is something particularly dark happening as we hear of coordination between Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran and possibly Syria. 

As Christians, how do we process all of this? I realize I cannot address the question of 'why is there suffering and evil if God is both Good and Sovereign?' in a short Blog post, but we can think through some big picture issues.

As Christians, how should we pray? 

I humbly offer the following for your consideration:

First, Scripture is very clear on why the world is the way it is and why we are the way we are and on the very real presence of evil in this world. We live in a fallen world and we are, ourselves, sinful. We are sinners by nature, and only the gospel of Jesus Christ can change our nature, giving us new life-but even then, we still wrestle with sin. We also have a very real enemy in the unseen realm, Satan, who along with his demonic army, seeks to kill, steal and destroy. God's Word is very clear on this matter as well. 

Second, God's Word is very clear on this: there will be evil and suffering and tribulation in this world until Christ returns, until there is a new heaven and a new earth. All of history is moving toward that time when God the Son returns with a shout and judges humanity. He will separate the sheep from the goats. Our only Hope is Jesus Christ because we cannot stand before the Holy God above all Creation in our own inherent 'goodness,' which is to God, 'as filthy rags.' If we want to hear 'enter my paradise' on the day we stand before the King, we must repent and turn to Him in faith now. Today is the day of salvation.

God judges evil and sin now, but there is a day coming when it will be finally and ultimately judged and dealt with. Satan himself will be thrown into the lake of fire. 

But between now and then...all creation groans. It groans under the weight of sin. It groans because of the Fall. It groans and waits for the Redeemer to return. 

What we are seeing in Israel (and what we have seen through human history in terms of man's inhumanity to man) is nothing new. It is the story of humanity, of all people living east of Eden. This does not mean we are not horrified, angered or that we don't grieve with those who are hurting. It is to say that once more, we are reminded that we live in a broken world and that we are, ourselves, also broken. We desperately need Jesus. 

Make no mistake: God is both Sovereign (and thus over all of this situation) and He is Good, and there will be ultimate justice. 

There is also goodness we see in all of this dark story: Texas Baptist Men are mobilizing to go right into the hot spots of Israel to minister to, feed and care for the broken and hurting on both sides of this conflict. They are taking the gospel with them, and, it is certainly possible that some men will indeed suffer. Other Christian agencies are also doing what they can to bring relief and comfort to the traumatized and hurting.

There are stories of people in Israel risking their lives to take care of neighbors, of strangers who are displaced. There are stories of heroism and sacrifice, virtues that are to be admired.

That to say: in the midst of great darkness, the Light is shining. 

Another thing we must consider is Biblically, God has entrusted governments with 'the sword' to bring about justice when people or people's act in an evil way that harms the citizenry (Romans 13:4).  A just government wields the sword to protect its people, and, to punish evil. An unjust government wields the sword to protect its own power. The Israeli government has a right and responsibility to protect its citizens and to wage a just war so that such evil acts will not continue. If you want to take a deep dive into this theological topic, research Augustine's 'Just War' theory. It is rooted in Scripture. 

These are some helpful ways to process what we see and read and hear, but obviously much more could be said to help us as Christians process these horrific events.

How then should we pray? I would suggest in the following ways:

1) We pray for the peace of Israel (Psalm 122). 

2) Pray for peace in the region. God is able to do exceedingly more than we can ask or imagine. 

3) Pray that God would be glorified and make His glory known to the nations in this situation. That may sound strange, but we must always pray that God would glorify Himself so that all people's will know Jesus Christ is Lord. Pray that through the dark days, Jews and Muslims and professing Christians would encounter the Risen Christ, the glory of God, and that God would receive glory in this situation.

4) Pray for the gospel to advance in the region. For some time now, Muslims in restricted countries are having visions of Jesus appearing to them, declaring He is God the Son, the Messiah. Pray that the Holy Spirit would come in power in that area and speak to Jews and Muslims alike. Pray that the small Christian communities in the area will be bold and faithful witnesses. If the gospel advances, hearts and minds are transformed and changed. This is the great need and great Hope for all. 

These are challenging times. God has placed us here for such a time as this, however. My challenge to us as Christians: pray and share the Good News of Jesus Christ with friends, family, neighbors, people at work, school, to be about the King's business.  Once more, we are reminded, this world needs Jesus. 

Grace to You,
