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Family Week, 2023: Don't Miss the Blessing!

Last year, the Lord put the idea of 'Family Week' on our leadership's heart for two specific reasons: one was a question, the other was a conviction.


The question was 'How can we best minister to families? Has Vacation Bible School produced the kind of long-term fruit we hope to see in the lives of families and children?' As we prayed through that question, the answer was, 'not really.' We sensed the Lord leading us to do something that impacted the entire family, from children to youth to young adults,and senior adults, married couples with children and without children, and single parent families. 

The conviction was simply this: 'We needed to minister to the whole family and encourage the whole family to be centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ, and, to have Christ at the center of family life.' 

Family Week was born out of that time of prayer and asking questions and acting on one of our convictions. We had no idea what to expect, or, how it would be received, and, none of us had a framework for putting on a 'Family Week' becuase we were not aware of any churches that were doing something like what God put on our hearts. 

The church moved forward in faith not knowing if many people would respond at all. God, however, certainly had put it on our hearts for a reason: Family Week 2022 was amazing, powerful, transformative, and, a significant turning point in the life of our church. We saw incredible fruit from that week, and, we have people who are members of our church now because of their involvement in Family Week last year. As for participation, we had a full house nightly. It was amazing!

We are now approaching Family Week 2023! Family Week begins July 30 and runs through August 2, 6:00-8:00 p.m. nightly. What can you expect at Family Week?

First, you'll enjoy dinner and fellowship with others. You'll have opportunity to not only develop relationships with people, you'll also have fun doing it.

Second, after dinner, children third grade and younger will have a breakout time while everyone else stays together and enjoys an incredible time of teaching from Paul and Dawn Cox, from Family Life Ministries. You will be blessed as they walk us through very practical and essential issues every family must address.

Last, there will be a fun time of quick 'minute to win it ' games. 

Each night you'll have topics to talk about as a family on your way home. The intent is to make sure that every family has opportunity to continue the important conversations after each night.

Family Week will be a blessing! You don't want to miss out. I encourage you to register now! You can do so on our church's Facebook Page, or, on our church website. Simply go to this page and click on the link for registration: https://www.stonebridgesa.com/events/event/78/family-week-connection-community-conversation/2023-07-30

You can also register whenever you are on campus. 

Family Week is NOT just for members and visitors of Stonebridge Baptist Church. Family Week is for our communities as well. You do not need to be a member of the church to participate! If you do not yet have a church home, or, if you are looking for one, we welcome you. 

We look forward to seeing YOU and YOUR family this year at Family Week!

Grace to You,

Pastor Kevin