September 24, 2024
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Church, Faith, Love, Mission, Praises, Truth, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Future, Unity, Elders
It is good for us to praise God for who He is and thank Him for all that He has done for us. It is also good for us to stay in prayer as we continue to follow His leading for the plans and purposes He has for Stonebridge Baptist Church, all for His glory....
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June 5, 2024
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Church, Love, Jesus, Culture, God, Holy Spirit, Scripture, Salt and Light, Christians, Truth in Love, Perseverance, Lostness, Ambassadors
Christians must not and cannot retreat from the culture, no matter how dark the days may be....
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May 29, 2024
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Love, Mission, Jesus, prayer, God, Unity, God's Blessing, Hunger for the Word, Hunger for Prayer, Constitution aligning with Scripture, Building program, People Groups
The Lord has been blessing Stonebridge Baptist Church mightily. We must thank Him and continue to seek Him in all things. He is worthy of our thanksgiving and praise. As we move toward a building program and as we prepare to revise our constitution to better align with the Word of God, we look back and thank God for His faithfulness and goodness toward us, and we look forw...
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January 8, 2024
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Church, Love, Priorities, Jesus, Christianity, God, Holy Spirit, Christian Life, Making Disciples, Focus, Loving God, Loving Neighbors, Glory of God
As we enter a new year, we have a great opportunity as individual Christians, as Christian families, as a church family, to refocus and reorient our lives around the things that God says are priority. ...
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July 15, 2023
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Children, Church, Faith, Love, Jesus, God, Community, Holy Spirit, Hope, Family, Parents, Isolation, Life Transformation, Husbands, Wives, Oneness with God, Impacting Your Community, Hope and Love
Family Week is a wonderful opportunity to grow in your walk with Jesus Christ, to strengthen your marriage, and, your family. Family Week is for the entire community. Don't miss the blessing. Register for Family Week 2023, which runs July 30-August 2. ...
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May 22, 2023
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Youth, Children, Gospel, Stonebridge Baptist Church, Grace, Love, Mission, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Communities, Word of God, Scriptures, Families, Future, Unity, Life Transformation, Church Expansion
The Lord has been (and is doing) wonderful things in the life o our church! What a blessing it is to be at Stonebridge Baptist Church! As we move forward now with next steps in our facility, seeking His will for this body, we must stay focused above all on Him, on the mission He has for us, and commit all things to Him for His glory...
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September 13, 2022
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Church, Love, Truth, Jesus, prayer, God, Holy Spirit, Renewal, Scripture, God's Word, Refining, Pruning, God's Goodness, Unity, Reviving, God's Greatness, Life Transformation, The Work of God
What an amazing work the Lord is doing in our church! We must stay in prayer, in the Word, and praise and thank God for who He is, what He is doing, and continue to seek Him as we walk by faith. God is moving in our church!...
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June 9, 2022
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Love, Mission, Jesus, prayer, God, Holy Spirit, Revival, Salvation, Unity, Sabbatical, Baptisms, New Members, Looking Ahead
As I prepare to leave for Sabbatical, I not only want to say 'thank you' to the church family, but also praise and thank God for the wonderful things He is doing. I also want to encourage you all to keep your eyes on Him and continue to move forward in faith! ...
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December 28, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Church, Grace, Love, Truth, Jesus, Christianity, God, Spiritual Maturity, Holy Spirit, Scripture, Growth, 2022, New Year Sermon Series
Many people struggled the past two years with their faith and in their personal lives. As we enter into 2022, these things are necessary if we are to grow spiritually on an individual, familial and church level. ...
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November 29, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Gospel, Stonebridge Baptist Church, Faith, Grace, Love, Mercy, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Hope, Christmas, Humility, Wonder, Joy, Trinity, Gift, Awe, Reverence, Holiness of God
It is so very easy for us to lose Christ in the season that bears His Name. This Christmas, it is our prayer that you would experience renewal, joy, peace, and the Hope that comes from receiving and treasuring the greatest gift ever given, God's gift to you, Jesus Christ....
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August 16, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Love, Truth, Evangelism, prayer, Christianity, Culture, DIscipleship, Lies, Boldness, Scripture, Following Jesus, Transformation, Courage, Do Not Conform
As the culture continues to buy and sell lies, and to demand conformity to the lies, Christians must be a people who walk in Truth, even if it is costly. ...
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June 10, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Love, Jesus, Christianity, God, Holy Spirit, Humility, Sanctification, Christians, Anger, Isolation, Cultural Anger, Cultural Moral and Spiritual Revolution, Hostility, Covid, Transformed, Do Not Conform, Self Control, Truth in Love
We live in angry times. There is much anger in our culture over many different issues. There is a great sense of fragmentation taking place. In addition, those who are leading the culture's moral and spiritual revolution, see Christians who are committed to the authority of Scripture as 'the opposition.' As such, there is greater hostility toward the Biblical worldview and...
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April 15, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Christianity, Church, Covid 19, Pandemic, Culture, Cultural Changes, Anxiety, Isolation, Fear, Frustration, Anger, Faith, Hope, Love
Much has changed in our culture over the past year. Many have isolated themselves over the past year and many experts report increases in cases of depression, anxiety and loneliness as a result. In addition, many report a general sense of fear, anger and frustration as they have tried to navigate the past year of Covid-19 as well as the economic uncertainty, social upheava...
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August 12, 2020
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Gospel, Love, Jesus, Christianity, Culture, God, Holy Spirit, Scriptures, Christians, progressivism, wokeness, the church, ministers, Idolatry, Man Pleasing, Repentance, Affirmation
There are many problems with the emerging trend of 'progressive Christianity,' but the root issue is a fundamental denial of both the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Lordship of Christ...
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July 14, 2020
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Christianity, Christ, Following Jesus, Culture, Cancel Culture, Anger, Christian Courage, Faith, Hope, Love, God, Jesus, Church, Holy Spirit, Scripture, God's Word,
Our culture is experiencing a war of ideas unlike anything most of us have seen in our lifetime. There is much darkness and anger in the culture. As the Cancel Culture expands, will Christians stand in faith or compromise?...
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November 28, 2018
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Christmas, Jesus, Incarnation, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, Salvation, Grace, Mercy, Love, Wrath, Light, Darkness, Sacrifice, Cross of Christ, Jesus' Death, Substitionary Atonement
Christmas could (and should) be much more than what we have reduced it to in our culture, and that includes church culture. This Christmas, let us reflect on how serious, and glorious, the incarnation is and what it means....
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April 30, 2018
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Gospel, Life, Faith, Journey, Deliverance, Healing, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Love, Truth, Goodness, Church, Sermon Series on Faith, Mother's Day
From one sermon series to another, we will see how God continues to call us to walk by faith...
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April 11, 2018
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Epic, Jesus, Gospel, Holy Spirit, God, Testimonies, Changed Lives, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Love
Jesus saves and changes us. He takes our old story and gives us a new one, a life with Him and a purpose found in Him. No matter where you come from, what you've done, what your story is, Jesus is willing and able to give us completely new starts, new hearts and new stories...
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January 6, 2018
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Family, Husband, Wife, Children, Design for Family, Stonebridge Baptist Church, Love, Beauty, Decisions, Renewal
2018 Begins with a focus on the family in the sermon series 'Family Matters.'
Worship with us and learn with us what God's design for the family is, His purpose for family and how families can experience wholeness and renewal and health...
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November 12, 2017
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Jesus, Christ, God, Gospel, Holy Spirit, Grace, Mercy, Love, Church, Family, Food, Clothing, Housing, Good Gifts, Gratitude, Thankfulness
This month we are emphasizing the importance of thankfulness and gratitude. We will continue this emphasis through the last weekend of November when we will begin our Christmas series.
Gratitude and thankfulness seem to be in short supply in our culture today. The tragic irony: never in the history of humanity have a people had so much wealth and material possessions, to ...
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January 1, 2017
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: All In, Gospel, Stonebridge Baptist Church, 2017, Christ, Church, Faith, Grace, Heart, Journey, Love, Mercy, Mission, Opportunities, Praises, Priorities, Truth
There is so very much to be thankful for! We journeyed far in 2016, and we have more to look forward to in 2017....
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