January 15, 2025
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Church, Truth, Jesus, Christianity, Lies, God, Holy Spirit, Sin, Following Jesus, Cultural Christianity, Trinity, Christian Living, Distortions
This post is part two of a Blog series entitled "Embrace These Truths." The series seeks to address some of the cultural lies that often infiltrate churches and lead Christians astray. It is vital that we, as Christians, have a Biblical view of life and reality as opposed to a cultural view....
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January 9, 2025
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Faith, Mission, Truth, Purpose, Jesus, Christianity, Lies, God, Holy Spirit, Scripture, Trials, Joy, God's Word, God's Sovereignty, Testing, Distortions, Hardship, God's Faithfulness
It is imperative that we, as Christians, know the Word of God so we might walk in Truth and not be deceived by lies....
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September 24, 2024
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Church, Faith, Love, Mission, Praises, Truth, Jesus, God, Holy Spirit, Future, Unity, Elders
It is good for us to praise God for who He is and thank Him for all that He has done for us. It is also good for us to stay in prayer as we continue to follow His leading for the plans and purposes He has for Stonebridge Baptist Church, all for His glory....
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April 7, 2024
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: The gospel, Jesus Christ, Truth, Christianity, God, Holy Spirit, Salvation, Romans, Doctrines, Systematic Theology, Verse-by-Verse Study, Christian Living
This week we return to our verse-by-verse study of Romans. Understanding Romans is essential to our Christian life, and the truths we find in Romans are essential to us becoming true Christians. ...
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September 13, 2022
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Church, Love, Truth, Jesus, prayer, God, Holy Spirit, Renewal, Scripture, God's Word, Refining, Pruning, God's Goodness, Unity, Reviving, God's Greatness, Life Transformation, The Work of God
What an amazing work the Lord is doing in our church! We must stay in prayer, in the Word, and praise and thank God for who He is, what He is doing, and continue to seek Him as we walk by faith. God is moving in our church!...
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December 28, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Church, Grace, Love, Truth, Jesus, Christianity, God, Spiritual Maturity, Holy Spirit, Scripture, Growth, 2022, New Year Sermon Series
Many people struggled the past two years with their faith and in their personal lives. As we enter into 2022, these things are necessary if we are to grow spiritually on an individual, familial and church level. ...
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August 16, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Love, Truth, Evangelism, prayer, Christianity, Culture, DIscipleship, Lies, Boldness, Scripture, Following Jesus, Transformation, Courage, Do Not Conform
As the culture continues to buy and sell lies, and to demand conformity to the lies, Christians must be a people who walk in Truth, even if it is costly. ...
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March 29, 2021
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Stonebridge Baptist Church, Truth, Resurrection, Jesus, Christianity, God, Holy Spirit, Who is Jesus, Easter Sunday
If Jesus rose from the grave, He is exactly who He claimed to be and is worthy of all praise, glory and honor. He is worthy of our everything. If He did not rise from the dead, then He is of no importance whatsoever....
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April 11, 2020
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Resurrection, Scriptures, Apologetics, Claims of Christianity, Truth, Answering Objections, Resources, Church, Stonebridge Baptist Church, Easter
If you are wrestling with the claims of Christianity and want to examine the claims of Christ in an intellectually honest manner but don't know where to start, there are many resources to investigate. Here are a few....
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October 14, 2019
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Church, Culture, Females, Young Women, Parents, Feminism, Illusions, Objectifying, Lies, Truth
Many young women (and their parents) are confused over the issue of what it means to be a female. The church must unapologetically proclaim the Truth, speaking Goodness into these confusing times....
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February 6, 2019
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Christianity, Evangelicalism, American Christianity, American Evangelical Churches, Church, Jesus, Faith, Post Christian Culture, Truth, God, Holy Spirit, Relationships, Conviction
Evangelical Christians can learn much from our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Western Europe. As America slides into a Post-Christian culture, there will be new challenges for most believers in the culture. We can learn from those who stand firm overseas....
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January 31, 2019
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: Children, Infanticide, Babies, Life, Pro-Life, Abortion, Murder, Christianity, Created, Value of Life, Sanctity of Life, Subjectivism, Objectivism, Truth, Salt and Light, Engaging the Culture, God, Christ, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Bible, Church
With recent events in the states of New York and Virginia, and calls for more similar legislation in more states, Christians must have a clear, Biblical understanding of the sanctity and value of human life. And, Christians must be willing to lovingly but clearly and firmly articulate Truth and take redemptive, positive action to minister to the unborn to save lives. ...
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April 30, 2018
by Dr. Kevin Prather
| Tags: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Gospel, Life, Faith, Journey, Deliverance, Healing, Forgiveness, Grace, Mercy, Love, Truth, Goodness, Church, Sermon Series on Faith, Mother's Day
From one sermon series to another, we will see how God continues to call us to walk by faith...
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May 21, 2017
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: Gospel, Church, Truth, Meaning, Life, Jesus, Christianity, Culture, DIscipleship, Consumerism, Lies, Meaningless, Time
Twobooks have profoundly grabbed my attention the past few months. One is "Impossible People," by Os Guinness, the other is "The Benedict Option," by Ron Dreher.
Both books address something we may not want to hear, but if we are honest, can sense, because the evidence is all around us: Rome has already fallen (the West-and that includes America) and we (Christians) have ...
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January 1, 2017
by Dr. Kevin Prather
Pastor's Blog
| Tags: All In, Gospel, Stonebridge Baptist Church, 2017, Christ, Church, Faith, Grace, Heart, Journey, Love, Mercy, Mission, Opportunities, Praises, Priorities, Truth
There is so very much to be thankful for! We journeyed far in 2016, and we have more to look forward to in 2017....
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