Weekly Services
Saturday @5 pm 
Sunday @11 am 

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Today, Easter Sunday, we celebrated the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. 'He is Risen!' is the most incredible and important declaration in human history. Jesus' resurrection changes everything. Because He rose from the grave, all of the claims He made are true and He is worthy of our absolute love and devotion and obedience.

Because Jesus rose from the grave, the idea of our faith being a 'Christmas and Easter' only faith is nonsensical as is the idea of being a 'Sunday only' Christian. If we belong to Him, we belong  to Him every hour of every day and we give Him our best-not our leftovers.

Because He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and because He is the Head of the Church, died for the Church, loves His Church, we do as well. It is in the context of the church, in community, where we learn and grow together, help each other  become more like Christ, encourage each other and challenge each other to grow. We learn to love one another, to be patient with one another, to forgive one another, to persevere with one another. We build each other up. We are on mission together. That is  Christ's intent for His people and His Church.

While it is true that we can worship Christ anywhere, it is equally true that we are saved into community and there are certain things that can only happen in terrms of our growth, in a corporate context. Much of the  growth He desires for us cannot take place in any other context than in the  community of believers, the  Church.

Today we celebrated the resurrection, as we should, as is fitting! May we never grow dull and  complacent as we consider the incredible reality: Jesus Christ, God the Son, took on flesh, dwelt among us, willingly laid down His life as a ransom for many, was crucified, paid the penalty for our sins, died, was buried and  three days later rose from the grave!

But, even as we celebrate today, we must remember something very important: now the real work begins. When we look at the Gospels, after Jesus has shown Himself as the Risen Savior to His disciples, He does something very important: He commissions them (as He has us) to make disciples of all people. We are not to keep this incredible news of the Risen Savior to ourselves! Too much is at stake. Everything is at stake.

So, as a church as we look to the next few months, we ask the Lord to grant us the grace, wisdom and strength needed to pesevere, to lean into the things He has for us, to press forward to the calling He has for us individually and as a congregation. As we saw today in our sanctuary, a sanctuary that was for all practical purposes in overflow condition, we cannot reach more people if we do not move to a second service and Bible study. We have already begun taking first steps toward that. We are in process.

For the sake of the King and His Kingdom, let us stay in prayer, stay focused and move forward in faith! The Love of the Risen King  compels us!

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Kevin

Posts Tagged with "Stonebridge Baptist Church"

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Thanking God for His Goodness to Stonebridge Baptist Church

The Lord has been blessing Stonebridge Baptist Church mightily. We must thank Him and continue to seek Him in all things. He is worthy of our thanksgiving and praise. As we move toward a building program and as we prepare to revise our constitution to better align with the Word of God, we look back and thank God for His faithfulness and goodness toward us, and we look forw...

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Dr. McCoy Will Be With us In Person May 22!

God is Good to Stonebridge Baptist Church! Dr. Katie McCoy will be with us in person on Wednesday, May 22, to discuss gender dysphoria and a Christian response. Dr. McCoy's book 'To Be a Woman,' is exceptionally well researched with ample data that shows not only the cause for our current cultural confusion, but also the outcomes of the current cultural confusion. Speaking...

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Special Guest for Refuel and Recharge May 22!

Don't miss out on our special REFUEL AND RECHARGE guest Wednesday, May 22! Dr. Katie McCoy will Zoom in with us from Dallas, Texas. She will speak on her book, 'To Be a Woman,' which addresses the cultural moment we are in, a time in which gender dysphoria, confusion over gender, is at an all-time high. Dr. McCoy addresses why this confusion is hitting females more than ma...

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Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday

We hope that you will worship with us this Holy Week at Stonebridge Baptist Church....

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Joy to the World?

Followers of Jesus can rejoice and must rejoice this Christmas Season as we celebrate the remarkable, immeasurably costly, gracious and loving gift of God the Son to us, the babe in the manger who came to save us from our sins and to lead us from darkness to light. The world may be a dark place, and, getting darker, but Christians, because of Jesus Christ, can and must sin...

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Community Fest and the Power of the Gospel

It is a tremendous blessing to see the power of the gospel transforming lives! We are so very thankful for what the Lord is doing in our church! We have an opportunity to show our communities the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ....

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Moving Forward: Praising God For All He Has and Is Doing!

The Lord has been (and is doing) wonderful things in the life o our church! What a blessing it is to be at Stonebridge Baptist Church! As we move forward now with next steps in our facility, seeking His will for this body, we must stay focused above all on Him, on the mission He has for us, and commit all things to Him for His glory...

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Good News for a Broken World

Christmas is a time for us to reflect on the most amazing gift ever given: Jesus Christ our Lord. It is nothing short of stunning that the Holy God Above All Creation would pursue us, His sinful, rebellious creation, and pay the penalty for our sins, so that we might be reconciled to Him!...

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God's Goodness to Stonebridge Baptist Church

What an amazing work the Lord is doing in our church! We must stay in prayer, in the Word, and praise and thank God for who He is, what He is doing, and continue to seek Him as we walk by faith. God is moving in our church!...

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Thank You, Stonebridge!

My wife and I thank you for allowing us this Sabbatical time. It has been a profound blessing and time of refreshing. I look forward to the things the Lord has for us in the next seven years!...

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Sabbaticals, Gratitude, God's Work and Moving Forward!

As I prepare to leave for Sabbatical, I not only want to say 'thank you' to the church family, but also praise and thank God for the wonderful things He is doing. I also want to encourage you all to keep your eyes on Him and continue to move forward in faith! ...

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All Glory to the Risen King!

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most significant, important and glorious event in human history. Jesus' resurrection proves He is God the Son, and that He has authority over all things, over life and death, and because of His substitionary death for us on the cross, He is able to freely offer salvation to all who trust in Him, freely, as a gift. ...

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A Season of Prayer and Fasting, and, a World on Edge

Our church is in a season of prayer and fasting. We are praying for revival in our church and for an awakening in our nation. As we entered this season of prayer, Russia invaded Ukraine. The world is watching in horror as an evil autocrat with a large nuclear arsenal seems prepared to do anything to regain the 'former glory' of the old Soviet Union, even to the point of th...

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2022:These Things are Necessary

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Discover (or Rediscover) the Wonder of God's Gift to Us This Christmas!

It is so very easy for us to lose Christ in the season that bears His Name. This Christmas, it is our prayer that you would experience renewal, joy, peace, and the Hope that comes from receiving and treasuring the greatest gift ever given, God's gift to you, Jesus Christ....

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Thankful for Our Volunteers!

Stonebridge Baptist Church is so very blessed to have so many amazing volunteers, people who serve for the glory of God and the blessing of others. Thank you, volunteers! And, if you are looking for your place to serve, let us know! ...

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Our Great God has been so very good to our church. This weekend we stop to thank Him and Praise Him for all He has done and for who He is! ...

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Why the Resurrection Claim Matters

If Jesus rose from the grave, He is exactly who He claimed to be and is worthy of all praise, glory and honor. He is worthy of our everything. If He did not rise from the dead, then He is of no importance whatsoever....

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Choosing Silent Night this Christmas

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November 14,15: Return to Normal Worship Hours!

November 14 and 15 we return to our normal worship hours! On that weekend, we will also have special services to rededicate ourselves, our church, all ministries and property to the Lord, for His Glory. Online Worship will also continue....

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Saturday and Sunday Services Returning to Normal Hours: What is Your Role?

As we prepare to return to our normal Saturday and Sunday service hours, it will require everyone in the church to find their place to serve. Where are you called to serve?...

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Post Covid-19 Re-Launch Coming: A Story for Consideration

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Resources For the Skeptic and the Seeker

If you are wrestling with the claims of Christianity and want to examine the claims of Christ in an intellectually honest manner but don't know where to start, there are many resources to investigate. Here are a few....

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Thanking God and Moving Forward in Faith

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Praying for Revival Not Revivalism

Our churches need revival. God is working in our church. We must not confuse praying for authentic revival with revivalism. ...

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2018 Begins with a focus on the family in the sermon series 'Family Matters.' Worship with us and learn with us what God's design for the family is, His purpose for family and how families can experience wholeness and renewal and health...

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Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays

There are some exciting and new things taking place on Wednesdays and Saturdays! Come check them out!...

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Saturday Services Launch!

After almost a year of praying and planning, Saturday services launch!...

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Moving To a Second Service: For the Glory of God and His Kingdom

Preparing to move to a second service...

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Jesus, Vacation Bible School and the Great Commission

This coming Sunday, Stonebridge Baptist Church launches our summer Vacation Bible School! Thetheme this year is: 'Galactic Starveyors.' Sundaynight through Thursday night, 6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m., children willlearn aboutThe God Who Created All Things. It is for young people who have completed Kindergarten-completed 6th Grade. Not only will they learnthat theOne who spoke all...

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2017: All In (Part 1)

All In Blog - 618x398

There is so very much to be thankful for! We journeyed far in 2016, and we have more to look forward to in 2017....

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